Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Symptoms Of Aneurysm In Right Basal Ganglia Basal Ganglia Aneurysm Is What My Friend's CAT Scan Showed. He Had Surgery A Few Days Ago; There Was Bleeding

Basal ganglia aneurysm is what my friend's CAT scan showed. He had surgery a few days ago; there was bleeding - symptoms of aneurysm in right basal ganglia

...... in his head. I research online and found that there is a possibility of bleeding. Sounds serious. He had (an angiogram?) Today, in which he in a vein in the groin, to check the bleeding, if any. The hospital has the BP held high ", otherwise they could say to have a stroke!
My concern is: He has no family. Nobody. Should I intervene - as friends - and try to look for Medicaid, which has no steady job to qualify. There will be 62 in February.

Moreover, when they were discharged from the hospital, my husband and I take it seriously, given to our house for a few days ... to make sure it is correct. He is a veteran of the Vietnam War. Is this brain surgery due to become violent or change your personality somehow?

I do not know what to do! I would like to help.

And how do I know if I "bleeding" If he is here in our house? Symptoms?

Any help is greatly appreciated!

1 comment:

doomjock... said...

sorry to hear that: help (... but if a new bleeding may at the same point, symptoms of different ways to receive. But more than likely show a hemorrhagic stroke patient usually the main complaint is real show sudden severe headache. not like a typical shot with a weakness in the hand or something like that. The headache is often worst when the headaches that the life of man. can be your students complain describe irregular or numbness in certain parts of the body. It can be a little anxious, sweaty, and strange. The best way to signal to that was likely to be achieved, and behave differently than usual. Unfortunately, although the chances of survival if it is full of bleeding very, very thin, but truLy hope that the best offer you receive and give mad props for taking care of him) Good luck and best wishes are with him. The signs and symptoms included detours to a good part of what could happen to cover, do not be afraid to call 911, but if something unusual as it seems it may be, that the last time: (

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